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Activity Badges

Complete a Course

1000 Points
Complete Multiple Times: This badge is awarded to a member who completes one of the many courses as part of the training process, from Getting Started to a Crush Pro Team Strategy to Mental Analysis or Money Management. Remember trading is learnt from doing so be sure to [...]

Complete a Quiz

100 Points
Complete Once: Completing the quizzes at the end of a lesson or course is a great way to confirm your understanding of a given topic. Review your answers and don’t worry we will not be handing out grades, but an 80% success rate is [...]

Complete a Backtest

100 Points
Complete Multiple Times: Backtesting is a very important step in learning or developing a strategy. It will solidify your understanding of the rules of the strategy and help you to develop guidelines to improve your performance. It will also show you the edge of a given strategy and give you the confidence to [...]

Voted "Trader of the Month"

100 Points
Complete Multiple Times: Working with your teammates to share opportunities, trade and review the results each month puts you in the best position to acknowledge who has gone the extra mile. Each month hold a vote (3 person teams) and congratulate the one who [...]

Begin Demo Trading

100 Points
Complete Once: You have completed Getting Started, joined a Crush Pro Team and learned the strategy being traded. You spent hours to understand the rules and complete a backtest. You are confident that you understand the plan and now it is time to put the plan into action by practicing in [...]

Attend a Trading Review

100 Points
Complete Multiple Times: Keeping a journal (an accurate record of past trades) is another tool to help you improve as a trader. It allows you to review your past performance after the fact and see where your strengths and weaknesses are. It will help you identify your mistakes and your teammates will [...]

Connect to Crush!

100 Points
Complete Multiple Times: Social Media is the best way to share information and spread the word these days, and we can be found on many of them. By connecting with us you won’t miss out on any important information or offers, and getting around like-minded people is a critical step to your [...]

Share Crush News and Articles

100 Points
Complete Multiple Times: Being connected on social media makes it a piece of cake to share information whether it’s important news or an amazingly well written article on one of the aspects of trading. Or sharing an image of a market getting ready to blast off! Seeing is believing, but don’t forget [...]

Refer a Friend

100 Points
Complete Multiple Times: Whether you trade real money or not, learning to analyze markets technically will help just about anyone. Apply technical analysis to any chart and you can see the trends. Risk Management and Money Management will help you with your own finances. Spreading the word [...]

Refer a Paying Member

10000 Points
Complete Multiple Times: Referring people can be tricky business. Especially as financial matters are very personal. However, if it is something you believe in and get benefit from, then sharing it with others will give them the same opportunity to learn about trading and the markets, and have a chance to [...]

Give Someone Credit

100 Points
Complete Once: Hard work pays off, and being aware of your own strengths and weakness is critical to your success. Teamwork will also help with your progress and giving another member some credit shows you are paying attention; and besides it feels good to [...]

Beautiful Pictures

100 Points
Complete Multiple Times: Technical Analysis is the basis for analyzing the price movements of different markets, and taking advantage of patterns which are created over and over again. sometimes they fail to complete, sometimes they complete and then fail, and sometimes they [...]

Confessions of a Trader

100 Points
Complete Multiple Times: Trading experience is full of great stories, the good, the bad, and the ugly, and getting them off your chest is important for getting closer and putting them behind you so you can focus your performance on what is in front of you. The good stories are easy and the ones we [...]

Log into the Website

100 Points
Complete Once: This badge welcomes all new members to Crush Pro Trading! Whether you are a complete beginner or experienced trader, the excitement of something new is very motivating. The key is to keep it going beyond the initial period. Trading is a marathon, not a sprint and now [...]

Customize Your Profile

100 Points
Complete Once: This badge is awarded to a member who shares their information with the community. By completing your Profile on the website and in Slack, other members will get a better idea of who you are. You can also share performance details as [...]

Post a Question or Comment

100 Points
Complete Once: This badge is awarded to a member who shares information or asks questions in the community. The more active you are, the quicker you will progress through the learning curve. No question is too small. Chinese Proverb: “One who asks a question is [...]

Organize a Trading Review

100 Points
Complete Multiple Times: At Crush Pro Trading we understand that the most difficult hurdle to overcome is a psychological one, and one of our tools to solve this problem is the review session. By organizing a Trading Review with your teammates (3 person team) you are taking the steps to [...]

Share Your Completed Journal

100 Points
Complete Multiple Times: This badge is awarded to a member who shares their information with the community. By completing your Profile other members will get a better idea of who you are. You can also share performance details as you [...]

Add Value to Crush Pro Trading

1000 Points
Complete Multiple Times: Everyone has a specialty, an area of expertise, and we will reward you for using your expertise to add value to Crush Pro Trading. We can work together in more ways than one and we understand that we can do a few things well but not all things. Not to mention that [...]

Lift All Boats!

100 Points
Complete Multiple Times: Working together can sometimes be difficult. Some members will move up the ranks quickly while others have trouble with the simplest task. We will not leave any member behind, and we want to reward a member who puts forth an effort to help those that need [...]

Surprise us!

1000 Points
Complete Multiple Times: It is said that successful trading is boring, but working together doesn’t have to be. We love creativity and want to reward you for thinking outside the box. Surprise us with something unexpected and [...]

Support an Affiliate

100 Points
Complete Multiple Times: There are many ways to support one of our affiliates such as purchasing a trading simulator, signing up with one of our recommended brokers or going through our link to buy something on Amazon. It doesn’t cost you anything and helps Crush Pro Trading a lot! And often we can offer [...]

Pay with Crypto or Precious Medals

100 Points
Complete Multiple Times: We accept both payments in cryptocurrency payments as well as Gold and Silver. Most people are either pro crypto or pro Gold, but we don’t discriminate. Also, we will give you 20% off your purchase! Crypto is the future and Gold is a store of value and [...]

Share a Profitable Trading Opportunity

100 Points
Complete Multiple Times: Sharing opportunities will help your team catch more opportunities. As we have an edge, this will help with our profitability. Some will be winners and some will be losers, and we reward you when share a winning opportunity. Though losing is definitely something we [...]

Profitable Months

100 Points
Complete Multiple Times: Win or lose, trading should be a fulfilling experience. We want to reward you for each profitable month you achieve. Profitable months are not necessarily the result of trading more (over trading), but a result of trading correctly to catch the [...]

Profitable Years

100 Points
Complete Multiple Times: Anyone can have a winning trade, and most people can have a profitable month. Most undisciplined traders will blow out in the first 90 days of live trading. However, having a profitable year proves you are a Master Trader, and we reward your efforts [,,,]

Begin Live Trading

100 Points
Complete Once: Congratulations! You have arrived at the starting line. You have successfully completed demo trading and are ready to launch your trading career like a Space X rocket. However, this is where the real work begins. This is where you will understand why [...]

Share Your Trading History

100 Points
Complete Multiple Times: Once you become a "Live Trader" you can complete this activity each time you reach a personal best! Also, by adding your details other members in the community will get view of what is possible. Everyone's details can be [...]


Profile picture of Jay


Active 1 month, 1 week ago